英甲 联赛 第21轮

    2022-12-10 20:30

    场地:新草地球场天气: 阴气温: 3°C



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    • 什鲁斯伯里在英甲联赛的平均进球数是0.95球

      Shrewsbury score an average of 0.95 goals in their League One matches

    • 什鲁斯伯里7场比赛只赢了1场(英甲)

      Shrewsbury have managed just 1 wins in their last 7 league games

    • 什鲁斯伯里最近5场联赛进球数不到2.5球

      There have been under 2.5 goals in 5 of the latest games in League One of Shrewsbury

    • 什鲁斯伯里从对阵林肯的比赛开始就没有变化。

      Shrewsbury could be unchanged from the side that started against Lincoln.

    • 博尔顿在最近的7场英甲比赛中有6场保持不败

      In their 7 most recent matches of League One, Bolton Wanderers have been undefeated 6 times

    • 博尔顿在英甲联赛的客场比赛中平均进球数为0.89球

      Bolton Wanderers have scored an average of 0.89 goals in their away league games

    • 迪翁·查尔斯在对阵布里斯托流浪者的最后时刻扳平比分后,正在争取首发位置。

      Dion Charles is pushing for a starting place after netting the late equaliser against Bristol Rovers.

    • 什鲁斯伯里在上周末结束了对林肯的六场比赛后,缓解了任何日益增长的降级担忧。突然之间,悍妇队距离季后赛只有5分的差距,他们应该有足够的分数来取得连胜。

      Shrewsbury eased any growing relegation fears by ending their six-game wait for a victory against Lincoln last weekend. Suddenly, the Shrews are just five points off the playoffs and should have enough to record consecutive wins here.

    • 博尔顿可能会在主场比赛中丢分,他们很可能会在对阵布里斯托流浪者的比赛中获胜,但他们在补时阶段挽回的平局至少让他们留在了前六。这支客场球队最近四次客场挑战什鲁斯伯里都取得了胜利。

      Bolton might have dropped points in a home game they were probably expecting to win against Bristol Rovers, but the draw they salvaged late in stoppage-time at least keeps them inside the top six. The away side have won each of their last four league trips to Shrewsbury.