在最近的西甲比赛中,埃尔切平均丢球3.00个 Elche CF are conceding an average of 3.00 goals in their La Liga games
埃尔切在最近6场西甲比赛中只赢了1场 Elche CF have won just 1 of their last 6 league games
卢卡斯·博耶、劳尔·古蒂、哈维尔·帕斯托雷和贡萨洛·维尔杜都因为季前赛结束时的肌肉受伤而受到质疑。 Lucas Boye, Raul Guti, Javier Pastore and Gonzalo Verdu are all doubts due to muscle injuries they picked up at the end of pre-season.
在埃尔切对阵皇家贝蒂斯的首场比赛中吃到红牌的约翰·唐纳德将无法上场。 John Donald will be unavailable after picking up a red card in Elche's opening fixture against Real Betis.
在最近的西甲比赛中,UD Almería平均丢了2个球 UD Almería are conceding an average of 2.00 goals in La Liga games
没有停学。 There are no suspensions.
伊凡·马托斯和胡安乔·涅托由于膝盖受伤将不能参加阿尔梅里亚的比赛。 Both Ivan Martos and Juanjo Nieto will be unavailable for Almeria due to knee injuries.
埃尔切在首场比赛中0 - 3输给皇家贝蒂斯。在第16分钟,约翰·唐纳德(John Donald)因为一次鲁莽的挑战而直接吃到红牌,之后他们的人数就降到了10人。 Elche suffered a 3-0 defeat in their opening game against Real Betis. They were down to 10 men early on after John Donald picked up a straight red card in the 16th-minute for a rash challenge.
在本赛季的揭幕战中,阿尔梅里亚差点从目前的冠军皇马手中夺走积分,但最终以2比1落败。门将费尔南多·马丁内斯(Fernando Martinez)扑救13次,但没能阻止阿拉巴精彩的任意球,最终帮助皇马取得胜利。 Almeria were close to taking points off current champions Real Madrid in their season opener, but ended up losing 2-1. Goalkeeper Fernando Martinez made a sensational 13 saves, but could not stop Alaba's wonderful free-kick to give Real Madrid victory.
双方上次会面是在一月的国王杯上。由于劳尔·古蒂(Raul Guti)最后时刻的进球,埃尔切在那天以2比1取胜。 The two sides last met in January in a Copa del Rey tie. Elche were 2-1 winners on that day thanks to a late goal from Raul Guti.