巴西甲 联赛 第16轮

    2022-07-12 07:00

    场地:河岸球场裁判: 弗拉维奥·罗德里格斯德索萨天气: 局部有云气温: 23°C



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    • 主队 重要


    • 主队 伤停
      中场核心休战1个月 共7人缺阵


    • 客队 阵容
      后防中路变阵 20岁前锋或首发

      米内罗美洲将在后场和前场做出较大改变,由于主力中后卫埃德尔(29场2球1助) 和替补前锋阿尔梅达(23场3球)均因累计黄牌无缘本场比赛,替补后卫孔蒂或在中后卫位置上搭档伤愈归来的迈达纳,在进攻端,主力前锋(16场4球1助)因伤没有随队出征,20岁的年轻前锋阿尔贝托或将迎来首发机会。

    • 客队 重要




    • 艾伦·帕特里克,Renê和万德森错过了。

      Alan Patrick, Renê and Wanderson miss out.

    • 卡洛斯·德·佩纳因大腿伤势错过比赛。

      Carlos de Pena misses out due to a thigh issue.

    • 在过去连续14场意甲比赛中,我们没有看到国际米兰半场输球

      In the last 14 consecutive Serie A matches, we have seen no losses at half time for Internacional

    • 在国际米兰最近的3场意甲主场比赛中,有超过2.5个进球

      In Internacional's 3 most recent home Serie A matches, there have been over 2.5 goals scored

    • 国际米兰最近的21场主场比赛中有18场没有输球(意甲)

      There are no losses for Internacional in 18 of their most recent 21 home games (Serie A)

    • 国际米兰最近在意甲的11场比赛中都有1+的进球

      Internacional have been prolific in their 11 most recent clashes in Serie A, scoring 1+ goals in all of them

    • 恩里克·阿尔梅达和埃德尔被停职。

      Henrique Almeida and Eder are suspended.

    • 狱卒已经离开了俱乐部。

      Jailson has left the club.

    • 在意甲联赛中连续8场客场至少丢1球的糟糕表现América米内罗最近的表现

      A poor streak of 8 away matches in Serie A where they have conceded at least 1 goal marks América Mineiro's recent performance

    • América米内罗最近的记录是在意甲联赛中3次半场/半场直接失利

      América Mineiro's most recent record consists of 3 straight away half time/full time losses in Serie A

    • América米内罗在客场意甲比赛中的平均失球数是1.50个

      The average number of goals conceded by América Mineiro is 1.50 for their away Serie A matches

    • América米内罗在最近11场客场意甲比赛中只取得了1场胜利

      América Mineiro have achieved just 1 wins of their last 11 away Serie A games

    • América米内罗在最近3场意甲客场比赛中一球未进

      América Mineiro have failed to score a single goal in their last 3 away Serie A games

    • 美国米内罗在上次比赛中1-0战胜戈亚斯,感谢阿尔梅达的漂亮进球。美国有几次机会扩大领先优势,但都未能如愿。然而,他们仍然会对自己的表现感到满意,并希望在这里也能有类似的表现。

      America Mineiro enjoyed a 1-0 victory over Goias last time out, thanks to a nice finish from Almeida. America had several chances to extend their lead, but failed to do so. They will still be happy with their showing, however, and will be hoping for a similar display here.

    • 在周中,科洛-科洛队的加布里埃尔-科斯塔(Gabriel Costa)的点球帮助球队取得了3-0的领先,国际米兰面临着巨大的挑战。在前利物浦球员和门将贝克尔的见证下,国米需要复制2019年欧冠半决赛对阵巴萨时的表现,国米做到了。他们希望这场胜利能给他们带来信心。

      In midweek, a penalty from Colo-Colo's Gabriel Costa, saw them take a 3-0 lead, leaving Internacional with a mountain to climb. With former player and Liverpool goalkeeper, Alisson Becker in attendance, Inter needed to replicate what his club did against Barcelona in their 2019 Champions League Semi-final and Inter did just that. Goals from Patrick, Alemao, Edenilson and Henrique, saw Inter complete a historic comeback to earn their place in the Copa Sudamerica Quarter-final. They will be hoping the vict...
